The Rebel Jesus
So I have been reading one of Brian McLaren's latest books: Everything Must Change, in preparation for the "Deep Shift" conference, which is coming to the D.C. area this week. I have almost finished the book and my mind is swimming with an over-flow of the information presented there.
Within this book Brian presents two probing questions:
One, "What are the biggest problems in the world today?"
Two, "What does Jesus have to say about these problems?"
He spends the rest of the book explaining what the problems were in Jesus' day and then shows the similarities to our own day and age, which is absolutely frightening! Lastly, he begins to paint a picture of what he believes Jesus is saying about these problems and what Jesus is calling us to do about them.
Here is a video, which this book makes reference to and might be a possible place to begin discussing how we might begin to approach these questions in our own realms of influence.
To answer the questions
1) The biggest problem is willful rebellion against God, both in the world and in the church.
2) The solution is preaching the Word, namely Christ and Him crucified. It's in preaching the Word that salvation and sanctification are declared and God can and will do this work.
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