I often have people approach me and ask, "Where do you think the church is headed in the future?" I believe people ask this question for two different reasons. One group sees the direction our culture is going and is filled with fear, the other group also sees where our culture is going and sees the possibilities for the church in the future.
I stand within the second group upon this issue of where the church is today and where I see our culture headed. This is not to say that the church does not have a lot of work ahead of her. I believe we as the church still have many necessary changes ahead of us to continue being a place of openness to God and our neighbor. However through God's help, we will make these changes and continue our journey into the future.
I began this blog with the intension of writing a short thesis of where I see the church of today and where I believe the church of tomorrow should be. However, along the way a stumbled upon this paper and decided to post this instead. I believe the ideas shared here voice the same cry of my heart for the church.
The paper is a little long, but worth the read.
Emerging Ecclesiology: Preliminary Obeservations Of Horizen Churches in a Postmodern World
Let me know what you think of it.